Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) Aggregate Functions
2) Backup Load
3) Command Mysql
4) Cursor
5) Data Type
6) Database
7) Date Time
8) Engine
9) Event
10) Flow Control
11) Fulltext Search
12) Function
13) Geometric
14) Insert Delete Update
15) Internationalization
16) Join
17) Key
18) Math
19) Procedure Function
20) Regular Expression
21) Select Clause
22) String
23) Table Index
24) Transaction
25) Trigger
26) User Permission
27) View
28) Where Clause
29) XML
1) Add a column of random numbers to the column output list, alias it, and refer to the alias for sorting
2) Adding a column to the result set that rounds off the cotangent
3) And Or
4) Apply several binary operators to the columns of the MATCHES table
5) Arithmetic Functions
6) Assign by calculation
7) Between and vs and
8) BIT_OR(expression) is similar to the bitwise OR () bit operator
9) BIT_XOR(expression) is similar to the bitwise exclusive XOR (^) bit operator
10) Bin function for set
11) Bit operation
12) Bit Operators
13) Bit or
14) Bitwise operators
15) Calculating, Formatting, and Transformation Functions
16) Call concat and replace
17) Call REPLACE function in select clause
18) CASE Branching
19) Case clause and aggregate function
20) CASE is a variant of IF that is useful when all the branch decisions depend on the value of a single expression
21) Case when with and operator
22) Case with comparison
23) Case without else clause
24) CASE() Function
25) Cast birthday to char type
26) Cast null to char type
27) Cast value to signed integer
28) Check the set value by bin
29) COALESCE() and ISNULL() Functions
30) COERCIBILITY function
31) Comparison Functions,Tests, Branching
32) Concatenate string
33) CONNECTION_ID() returns the current connection ID
34) Convert network integer to an IP address by using the following function
35) Converted a numeric value to the DATE conversion type
36) DECODE(encrypted string, key)
37) Define function in C and call by SQL
38) Display GB value with IF() that maps 0 to a dash
39) Do calculation in select clause
40) Each time a conference registration form is received, enter the attendee information into the attendee table
41) Each time you seed the generator with a given value, RAND( ) will produce a repeatable series of numbers
42) Extracts the year and month from the specified date
43) Function
44) Generating Random Numbers
45) Get some random numbers
46) Get some random numbers in the range 1-100
47) Get the date of birth as one alphanumeric value
48) Get the name and the number of each player whose name consists of the pattern m n The point can be any random
49) If ELSE is omitted, the null value is returned
50) If the league number is null, give the value 1
51) IF( ) and IFNULL( ) are useful for catching divide-by-zero operations
52) IF(condition, result1, result2)
53) IFNULL() takes two arguments If the first argument is not NULL, that argument is returned; otherwise, the fun
54) IFNULL() tests its first argument and returns it if its not NULL, or returns its second argument otherwise
55) IN and NOT IN operators provide the most flexibility when comparing values to the results returned by a subque
56) IN operator
57) Integer value and between and
58) Left shift
59) Left shift 3
60) Left shift operator
61) Locate records in which an attribute has been set (regardless of its combination with other attributes)
62) Make more complete value with case statement
63) Mapping NULL Values to Other Values for Display
64) Move the binary value 11 three bits to the left
65) MySQL replace command
66) Nested case statement
67) Passing Values to a Comparison Function
68) Provide more meaningful value with case clause
69) Randomizing a Set of Rows
70) Range check with between and
71) Replace into
72) Replace more than one column
73) Save the result from LAST_INSERT_ID( ) after creating a new record in a table that has an AUTO_INCREMENT column to a variable
74) Seed RAND( ) randomly
75) SELECT CONV(1001,2,10), CONV(111,2,10)
76) SELECT CONV(6,10,2), CONV(10,10,2), BIN(8), BIN(10)
77) SELECT IF(02-29 03-01,02-29,03-01) AS earliest
80) SELECT LOWER(MD5(a)) = UPPER(MD5(a))
81) SELECT MD5(a)
82) Selecting Random Items from a Set of Rows
83) Selecting Records Based on Their Temporal Characteristics
84) Selection with a random Column
85) Several different values can be written more easily by using the IN( ) operator
86) Shifting beyond 64 bits, or with a negative number, just returns 0
87) Show the mysql version
88) Sort the IP values using the INET_ATON( ) function, which converts a network address directly to its underlyin
89) The BIT_AND() function is similar to the bitwise AND (&) comparison operator
90) The bitwise OR operator
91) The first sort operator discussed is the BINARY operator
92) The following expression returns expr2 if expr1 is NULL, and expr1 otherwise
93) The FOUND_ROWS() function
94) The IF() function compares three expressions, as shown in the following syntax
95) The IFNULL() function returns a value based on whether a specified expression evaluates to NULL
96) The IN() function can be used to test one value against a number of possible values
97) The is the right shift operator
98) The next version of the CASE() function
99) The NULLIF() function returns NULL if expression1 equals expression2; otherwise, it returns expression1
100) The result of a bitwise AND between 7 and 9 is 1
101) The syntax for the ISNULL() function
102) To convert a network address to a numeric value, use INET_ATON() function
103) To create a 160-bit encrypted value based on a specified string, you can use the SHA() or SHA1() functions
104) To draw five winning entries at random from a table named drawing that contains contest entries, use RAND( ) i
105) To see what the new seminar records look like, use the LAST_INSERT_ID() value to retrieve them
106) To select a single winner at random from the combined results of the three tables
107) Type Conversion (Cast)
108) UPDATE statement moves each bit to the left one position
109) Update with LAST_INSERT_ID
110) Use a CASE WHEN function to indicate that the different categories have different sales trends
111) Use an IF function to evaluate which designs sell over 500 units during the winter sales quarter
112) Use an XOR logical operator between two expressions in an SQL statement
113) Use BETWEEN AND for int value
114) Use BIT_COUNT function
115) Use both case expressions shown previously in a SELECT statement
116) Use case else to check the exceptions
117) Use FIELD( ) with column substrings
118) Use IFNULL( ) to map their results appropriately
119) Use IN and BETWEEN AND
120) Use INSTR
121) Use SIGN function
122) Use the bitwise AND (&) operator to manipulate the bit values
123) Use the bitwise OR () operator to manipulate the bit values
124) Use the CAST( ) function
125) Use the MD5() function to create a 128-bit encrypted value
126) Use the new value to retrieve the entire record, without even knowing what the id is
127) Use the REPLACE command to remove the underscores and insert spaces in their place
128) Uses the bitwise XOR (^) operator to manipulate the bit values
129) Using case in select statement
130) Using case statement to check a range
131) Using CASE WHEN for evaluating conditions
132) Using case with comparison
133) Using COALESCE function
134) Using FOUND_ROWS() function to check the actual returned rows
135) Using Functions to Perform System-Related Operations
136) Using LAST_INSERT_ID() in insert statement
137) Using string function, JOIN tables with conditions
138) Using the comparison value form of CASE WHEN
139) Variants of CASE WHEN with no ELSE clause
140) Where clause
141) XOR operator